Friday, 22 February 2013

Book Recomendation

I am recommending the book Carbs and Cals. It's a great book that really helps with confusing carb counting. It has a helpful index but is a little on the pricey side at £13. I use it all the time and I find it really clever. 

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Trendy Testing Kits

Testing, it can be a dull affair but with the right kit you can brag to all your non-diabetic friends. This is my list of the coolest kits and injections to have.

NovoPen Echo

The NovoPen's noticeable special feature is the memory function that tells you when the last injection was given and how much insulin you gave.

Contour USB

I think the contour usb is a very smart idea. It's a glucose monitor that you can plug into a computer and organize the results.

Clever Chek Voice Meter Kit

The clever chek looks like a useless bit of kit and it kind of is but has one awesome gimmick. It talks and tells you your results. 

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Carb Counting VS Set Doses


Carb Counting



Controlled Snacking

One pen to carry



Injecting a lot

Testing a lot

Lots of planning

Set Doses


2 injections

Less testing



Set meal times and portions

Snacks throw it off balance


Resist it!

As most people know sweets are impossible to resist and I am not far from gorging on pick and mix. Right now I would like people to tell me about their tips to resist food or foods with no carbs or things that fill you up.

Easy Low Carb Food




Vegetables .eg cucumber, pepper.

Type 1

To clarify I am a type 1 diabetic teen girl. This blog is what I use to vent my frustrations about this medical condition and ask much needed questions.